To Complain or Not to Complain. That is the question.

To Complain or Not to Complain. That is the question. Workers in the Age of Social Media In the age of Twitter and social media postings, we have many opportunities to complain and air our grievances. Far be it from me to preach restraint or raise the ire of free speech advocates. However, as we […]
Human Resources Employees Have Rights Too!

I recently concluded representing a human resources manager who was terminated by her employer for simply doing her job. An arbitrator ruled in her favor. Here’s her story. Lucy was employed as a human resources manager for a national company. She was asked to give a deposition in a race discrimination and retaliation lawsuit. Even […]
A Worker Advocate’s Advice to Workers

I am an advocate for workers and I am proud to represent good workers who have lost their jobs as a result of discrimination and other unlawful reasons. However in my 25 plus years as a lawyer and an employer, I have seen my share of bad workers as well. As American workers face mass […]
Fake Documents, I-9s, Perjury and Arbitration

Human resources officials are people too . . . as well as employees. Some think that as a worker side employment attorney I am always at odds with human resources officials, but that is not true. Yes, those HR folks are often adverse witnesses in cases involving my clients, but I know firsthand that good […]
“justice” v. “Justice”

The tragedy in El Paso, Texas on August 3, 2019 will never be forgotten. Not by me nor by anyone else in this city. Like traumatic events often do, it has left me retrospective, as well as introspective. After the national media and politicians stop talking about the massacre, we are left to ask why […]