The Employer’s Arbitration Manifesto (if they just told the truth about it)

GREETINGS WORKER: By accepting a job with this company, you have agreed to the company’s ARBITRATION AGREEMENT. The following explains why I, the employer, can do this. I am POWERFUL. YOU are POWERLESS. I therefore can CONTROL every aspect of our relationship. You are easily replaceable. I have no reverence for you, or your struggles, […]
Labor Day Observations from a Texas Employment Lawyer

Labor Day is celebrated each year to honor American workers. A nation can show no greater honor to its workers than to ensure respect through safe working conditions, fair pay and benefits, and a work environment free of discrimination. That includes protections against pay disparity between the sexes, as well discrimination against older workers, pregnant […]
The Google “Diversity” Memo and Employment Law

On a recent flight, Google engineer James Damore decided to draft a memorandum in which he rambled on about, in his opinion, Google’s misdirected attempt to achieve racial and gender diversity in the workplace. There is no evidence Damore was denied a job or promotion due to favorable treatment towards a minority or female candidate. […]
Questioning Religious Beliefs Costs Employer

When St. Vincent Health Center, a Catholic based hospital system, implemented a mandatory flu vaccination policy for its employees, it carved out an exemption for workers who objected based on either medical or religious reasons. If the exemption was approved, employees could continue working if they wore masks while in contact with patients during flu […]
If You See Something, Say Something
This is more than just the slogan used by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to encourage people to report suspicious terrorist activity. It should also be the mantra of every workplace to encourage the reporting of discrimination and sexual harassment. Simply stated, without witnesses who are willing to get involved and “say something,” […]