Psst. . . How much are you making?
This month, President Obama signed an Executive Order barring federal contractors from discriminating or retaliating against workers who discuss their salaries. The impetus behind this executive order was to specifically target pay discrimination and the “gender gap” in compensation. While this presidential order only affects government contractors, it is a good reminder to both workers […]
Employer’s Prompt Response Rebuffs Discrimination Claim
As an employment attorney representing workers, I often focus on the actions, or inactions, of management or human resources officials after an employee complains of discrimination or sexual harassment. Oftentimes a plaintiff’s case is enhanced by the company’s failure to promptly investigate a claim, and take remedial actions, like discipline, to prevent the alleged misconduct […]
Thank You For Reporting Illegal Conduct: You’re Fired!
Recently, the Texas Supreme Court decided a case originating from El Paso, reminding us that whistleblowers in Texas still face difficult challenges in receiving protections from retaliation. In Canutillo I.S.D. v. Farran, the Plaintiff complained about employee theft and falsification of time cards, overpayment to a contractor, and the unlawful disposal of waste by the […]
Four Days of Sniffing Will Cost Employer
Tonia Royal’s employment was short – only four days. But it was four days of hell that no employee should endure. Royal worked in a small office as a leasing manager for an apartment complex. During her short employment, she was constantly visited by two male maintenance workers who would hover over her, and sniff […]
5th Circuit: Male on Male Lewd Conduct Can Be Sexual Harassment
In August 2012, I wrote a blog article entitled, “Despicable Sexual Conduct Not Necessarily Sexual Harassment”, lamenting the 5th Circuit’s reversal of a male-on-male sexual harassment jury verdict. Recently, however, a decision from an en banc 5th Circuit Court of Appeals (a full 16 judge panel instead of the usual 3 judge panel) affirmed the jury’s verdict. […]