Holiday Layoffs – Knowing Your Severance Rights
The end of the year means holidays and special time with family, but unfortunately it can also means layoffs and terminations. The shock of losing one’s job during the holidays can create unexpected stress and panic, but workers need to be aware of their rights when deciding whether to accept a severance agreement. A severance […]
Sen. Rodriguez Aims To Strengthen Whistleblower Law
Texas State Senator Jose Rodriguez (El Paso-D) recently filed S.B. 121, which if passed, would amend Chapter 554 of the Texas Government Code, also known as the Texas Whistleblower’s Act. As many in El Paso are aware, the disgraced former superintendent of the El Paso Independent School District, and several unnamed co-conspirators within the district, […]
Giving Thanks For (Some) Employers
A longtime friend has been battling cancer for the second time in recent years. Although the experience has been physically, emotionally and spiritually challenging for her and her family, she has remained positive and grateful for the many precious gifts in her life. She is truly an inspiration. During this ordeal, her employer has accommodated […]
Yes, “Reverse” Discrimination is Illegal
Earlier this year, I attended an employment law seminar. One of the topics dealt with the issue of “reverse” discrimination. The presenter, a well respected African-American attorney, began his presentation by stating that the reason he went to law school was so he could represent white people in discrimination cases. While it was not clear […]
Tx Supreme Court Limits Pay Discrimination Claims
On August 31, 2012, the Texas Supreme Court issued an opinion refusing to incorporate the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into the Texas Commission on Human Rights Act (TCHRA), holding that claims for pay discrimination must be brought within 180 days from the date the employee first discovers discrimination. In Prairie View A&M Univ. v. […]