To Complain or Not to Complain. That is the question.

To Complain or Not to Complain. That is the question. Workers in the Age of Social Media In the age of Twitter and social media postings, we have many opportunities to complain and air our grievances. Far be it from me to preach restraint or raise the ire of free speech advocates. However, as we […]
“justice” v. “Justice”

The tragedy in El Paso, Texas on August 3, 2019 will never be forgotten. Not by me nor by anyone else in this city. Like traumatic events often do, it has left me retrospective, as well as introspective. After the national media and politicians stop talking about the massacre, we are left to ask why […]
The Google “Diversity” Memo and Employment Law

On a recent flight, Google engineer James Damore decided to draft a memorandum in which he rambled on about, in his opinion, Google’s misdirected attempt to achieve racial and gender diversity in the workplace. There is no evidence Damore was denied a job or promotion due to favorable treatment towards a minority or female candidate. […]
Questioning Religious Beliefs Costs Employer

When St. Vincent Health Center, a Catholic based hospital system, implemented a mandatory flu vaccination policy for its employees, it carved out an exemption for workers who objected based on either medical or religious reasons. If the exemption was approved, employees could continue working if they wore masks while in contact with patients during flu […]